
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club


Following our explanation of Slope Rating, we now move into the first part of arguably the most important area of the new WHS, Handicap Index. This phrase will become synonymous with golfers in the lead-up-to, and following, the November 2nd introduction of the new system.

  • Handicap Index will: 
  • Measure the ability of a player 
  • Be portable from course to course 
  • Allow players to complete fairly, therefore promote inclusivity within the game 

A Handicap Index is calculated from the best eight scores from a players last 20 rounds. As a new score is submitted, a player's Handicap Index will automatically update to the most recent 20 scores. A player's Handicap Index will update promptly overnight after the submission of an acceptable score and be ready before the next time they play.  

How to obtain a Handicap Index? 

When we adopt the WHS in England, most golfers will have a Handicap Index generated based on their existing records. However, for new golfers to gain their Handicap Index they will have to submit a minimum of 54 holes (using any combination of 9 and 18 holes). 

Initially, their Handicap Index will be the lowest of their three rounds minus two strokes, and this will continue to be built until the 20 scores are achieved. The maximum Handicap Index for any player is 54, and in order for players to obtain a recognised Handicap Index a player must be an affiliated member of a golf club. 

Hopefully, this provides you with a good understanding as to what a Handicap Index is, how golfers will obtain one, and why it is so important to the new system.

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